If you have a problem with a game after turning on SFO mods, first of all:
Make sure you do not use directx 12 in game options, it was never fixed and can seriously break custom models/textures which we use in SFO.
Unless specified, do not use SFO with beta updates of the game as most likely it won't be compatible.
Do not turn on beta SFO and mainline SFO at the same time, will more than likely crash your game.
If you did use any beta-version that was not uploaded to steam-workshop, remember to delete them from your data folder before using mainline SFO.
Check if you did not turn on all mods from official SFO mod collection, as some of the mods are exluding or might be incompatible with new release. Always check the submods page before subscribing.
Keep in mind that Mac and Linux users are having issues with mods since release of Vampire Coast!
Check other mods.
Try to launch SFO mod without any other mods first.
Simply unsubscribe from the mod. Launch game without any mods and make sure that SFO is not showing in mod manager anymore. After that subscribe to mod again.
Clear your launcher folder.
Hold windows key + R and type %appdata% this will take you to roaming, from there find The Creative Assembly folder and delete launcher folder located inside.
Delete your workshop files.
Sometimes unsubscribing won't solve things so you can try deleting the existing mod files to force steam to download fresh one!
Just go to the following folder; Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\594570 and search a key word of the mod (in our case, overhaul) right click on the file, select open file location and delete all the files there. If you don't have too many mods (or good internet speed) you can just delete the whole 594570 folder!
Verify your files.
On Steam library right click the game, then go to properties>local files>verify integrity of game files.
Still not working.
If nothing helped from that list please come to our discord server for more help.