Writer, gamer, husband, father... What else?
I am a passionate fan of fantasy and strategy games, which is why I am on a quest to make the best content possibly can be. Content that will always be free for everyone!
I work on mods too much and sleep too little...
Head Modder
I don't have too big of a background when it comes to modding, but i did smaller mods for different games like Rimworld, Skyrim, Sims, so i had some kind of idea how to start modding warhammer total war.
If anyone would remember me from something, its most likely my stormfiends for wh2tw. I love our community and I am happy to be working on sfo3.

Team Members

A Lua scripter and student who contributes campaign mechanics to SFO. Working on a graduate degree in game design, and enjoys playing guitar and multiplayer shooters, MOBAs and RTS games.
"When you are out of ideas you make a sacrifice for this eldritch entity, thankfully seems to be often generous. Manages community in past time and hobbies include creating universes and ending them." ~Balzaphon

Long time Warhammer fan, [HN] started to mod the Total War Warhammer series toward the end of TWW1 life cycle where he started to work with Venris on SFO while developing his own Banner Mod Overall. Since then he has been a member of the team in charge of most graphical elements from the mod logo itself to the new building icons.
I had played exactly one Warhammer game prior to Total War Warhammer and knew next to nothing of Warhammer lore. In January 2018 Venris was looking for someone to help out with SFO texts spelling errors, and I became that person. It soon evolved into writing more elaborate texts and lore snippets, and with every SFO update I would spend time learning more of the lore of the factions that were central to the update we were working on, until I had pretty much read and re-read every bit of Warhammer lore I could get my hands on.

"Is a cat" ~HN